It is always beautiful to remember the day that I received Christ as my Savior, It was in December of 1998 in Cordoba, Argentina. I was in a very hard stage of my life, but God in His grace sought me with great love and mercy.
I was born in ´77, in a Catholic home. When I was 9 years old, my parents divorced and my family disintegrated, and so my mother and I went away to live in another province. Because of this, I lost all my friends, and I made new friends who were not the best ones. Soon after, I began to use drugs and to break the law. I lived in this manner for about 10 years, and in just a short time I lost everything.
In November of ´98, someone shared with me the gospel every day for a month, and thanks to God, because of her persistence, I received Christ into my heart. I began to attend a camp led by Word of Life in Argentina and God opened the doors to study 3 years in the Bible Institute. It was a wonderful time where I got to know my Savior, His word, and His will for my life. God used many people to work in my life during this time, and I decided that the rest of my life would be for the service of the Lord and the people. There also I met Zaida, and for 5 years now we have been married and our precious Stephanie is a year and 3 months old, definitely another gift of the Lord, which fills us with blessings. Together as a family, we serve Him.
Since I was young, I attended with my family an evangelical church and do not remember that anyone shared the gospel with me. I had thought that I would go to heaven because I was a good person and because I went to a church. But in January of ´96, I was invited to attend the Word of Life camp in Costa Rica, where I understood that the sacrifice of Christ on the cross was the only thing that saved me. And so Friday, the 26th of January in ´96, I accepted Christ as my savior. After receiving Him, I dedicated my time to the service of God in Word of Life, and in ´99 I attended the Bible Institute in Argentina. There I learned to know Him more, that He died and gave me new life. Also, of course, I met my husband there, and today we are working full time in the ministry. We are very thankful to be able to serve Him, and watch as so many people arrive at the feet of Christ and understand the love and the purpose which God has for their lives.
Cristian, Zaida, Stephanie and Josúe
Phone: (598)02-3649382 / (589) 097-187066
E-mail: meu.montaldi@gmail.com
E-mail: meu.zaida@gmail.com
Skipe: meu.montaldi
Web-Page: www.familiamontaldi.es.tl